Oct. 2019 - Feb. 2020 | Development:

Co-founded by Chaz’s GIS mentor “cinyc9,” CNalysis started with a map of qualitative ratings of state legislative districts across the country that cinyc9 created in Mapbox. After deciding that the map would best be suited for a new website, Chaz began looking toward other election fanatics on Twitter to see if they were interested in joining the new upcoming project. Allie Geier was brought on as the Editor, Jackson Martin as the Chief Oddsmaker, and Blaine Monroe as the Graphics Designer. Upon joining, most of the team were between the ages of 19 and 21.

Our work has been cited by hundreds of websites for its indispensable mission of informing the public about state legislative elections every year.

For more about the history of CNalysis and our annual forecast scorecard,

Click on the year to read more!